Page 357 - Xara Designer Pro X17
P. 357

Photo Handling         357

              transparency. You can adjust this by just dragging either end of the arrow and you can
              adjust the strength of the effect at each end using the transparency slider.

              The final step is to blend the edges of the brightened area with the FEATHER (on page 91)
              tool. This gives the final result as shown top right.

              Note: The region or mask is an editable vector shape and you can edit the vector outline
              to be as exact as you want. But using the Feather effect to blend the edge means you do
              not have to be that exact.

              Secondly, as with most tools in Designer Pro, these are non-destructive edits. Not only
              can you adjust the effect (and the region it covers, or any enhance effects) at any time in
              the future, but you can delete the effect to restore the original image.

              Photo display quality

              Xara Designer Pro X can display photos in one of five useful quality levels. The top two
              settings smooth the screen pixels so avoiding visible pixels or rough sections along the
              edges (anti-aliasing). Change the quality level using the QUALITY entry in the WINDOW

               VERY HIGH      Displays images using bicubic sampling. This displays images at the
               QUALITY        best quality, particularly for large hi-res images that are scaled down
               (DEFAULT)      or zoomed out a lot.
               HIGH QUALITY   Anti-aliasing on, but images are rendered faster and at lower quality.

               FULL COLOR     No anti-aliasing, thus showing individual pixels. This can be useful
                              when you're zoomed in and you need to clearly see the separate
                              image pixels.  The downside is that images generally look poor
                              when reduced or enlarged resulting in clearly visible pixelation and
                              jagged "staircase" edges, especially if you rotate the image.
               OUTLINE WITH   Is particularly useful for seeing outlines of the various steps of a
               BLEND STEPS    blend. Blends are not supported in Xara Designer Pro X but
                              imported .xar files could contain blends.
               OUTLINE        Only object outlines are shown. This is useful for finding and
                              selecting objects that are difficult to see due to other objects in front
                              of or behind them.
              There is an additional control that allows you to stop all image smoothing or anti-aliasing
              on images that are scaled up or zoomed in. In other words, instead of a smoothed image,
              you see all the pixels when zoomed in. Open the BITMAP GALLERY and right click on the
              image and select "properties". In the dialog un-check the "Smooth when scaled up"
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