Page 359 - Xara Designer Pro X17
P. 359

Photo Handling         359

              Tip: You can control the JPEG quality in the Export Settings dialog on the Options tab.
              The default and recommended value is 85%

                                               The JPEG system is designed so that a setting
                                               of 85 is the optimum value. We recommend
                                               you do not save JPEGs at 100% quality, as the
                                               results are visually identical to the 85% quality,
                                               only the file size and memory use are
                                               dramatically increased with no benefit.

              When saving for use on the web it's quite possible to reduce the quality below 85 to
              increase page view speed. The preview window shows the quality of any value you

              Tip: If you expect you may want to perform any further edits on your exported image, for
              example to create the image again at another size, we strongly recommend saving the
              .xar file as well. This will preserve the lossless master image along with all its edits and

              Example: To resize a photo and save as a new JPEG
              This process is very quick and simple:

              •  Drop your photo onto Xara Designer Pro X (either onto a blank page or onto the title
                bar to create a new document)
              •  In the Selector Tool either drag a corner handle to resize the image, or enter the
                required width or height into the "W" or "H" field on the InfoBar. Check the image size
                is correct at 100%
              •  Type "Ctrl + Shift + E" to start the export process
              •  Enter a filename, and ensure JPEG is selected from the file type dropdown
              •  In the preview dialog simply click the export button

              To save any image as a PNG go through the same process except choose the PNG file

              Photo Edit Attributes

              All edits performed using the PHOTO TOOL (on page 382), such as any altering of the
              brightness, contrast, color, blur or sharpen values, or even the more advanced levels
              adjustment, are all just stored on the photo as attributes. See the terminology section (on
              page 16).

              Just as you can alter the color of a shape or line without altering the underlying shape, so
              Photo Tool attributes alter the visible appearance of the photo without affecting the
              original image (this is called non-destructive editing).  Another way of looking at this is
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