Page 100 - Xara Web Designer Premium
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100      Object Handling

                button or press "+" on the numeric keypad to drop a copy of the object. The original
                object doesn’t move. You can do this as many times as you wish to create a series of
                duplicated objects.

                So an easy way to create one or more copies of an object that is exactly horizontally or
                vertical aligned, is to drag the object, hold "Ctrl" to constrain the movement, and right
                click (or press "+" on the numeric keypad) for each copy required.

                To quickly create  a line of objects, draw one, then drag while holding "Ctrl" and right click for
                each copy required.

                Right click and choose DUPLICATE, or choose "EDIT" > "DUPLICATE", or press "Ctrl + D".
                The copy is displaced slightly, usually down and to the right, from the original.

                The duplicate distance is user definable, see "Customizing Web Designer Premium (on
                page 499)"

                Smart Duplication
                In addition to the duplicate shortcut above, you can also use the handles on either side of
                the object, or bottom to duplicate horizontally or vertically.

                To enable these handles, select the selector tool, then click on the Smart Duplicate

                button      on the toolbar.
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