Page 97 - Xara Web Designer Premium
P. 97

Object Handling          97

              You can change the normal nudge distance under the GENERAL tab in "UTILITIES" >
              "OPTIONS". Refer to "Customizing Web Designer Premium (on page 499)".

              Nudge works in most tools.

              Cut, copy and paste

              These let you move or copy an object in the same document or between different
              documents. The procedure is:

              1.   Select the object.
              2.   To remove the object, choose "EDIT" > "CUT" (or "Ctrl + X"). To copy the object but
                  not remove it, choose "EDIT" > "COPY" (or "Ctrl + C"). Either option puts the object
                  (or a copy of it) onto the clipboard.
              3.   Choose "EDIT" > "PASTE", "Ctrl + V", or "INSERT". This pastes the clipboard contents
                  into the document.

              Note that if the objects you copy are all on the same layer, then you can paste those
              objects to any layer by first making it the current layer and then choosing "EDIT" > "PASTE"
              >  "PASTE IN LAYER" or "PASTE IN PLACE IN CURRENT LAYER". The layer from which the
              objects were copied is ignored in this case.

              However if the objects you copy are on several different layers, then the layer structure is
              maintained when you paste.

              This allows you to copy layered data within a document or to a different document. Any
              layers which are missing in the target document are created automatically by this
              operation. So for example if you copy a mouse-over button, which has one object on the
              MouseOff layer and another object on the MouseOver layer, to a new document, the
              MouseOff and MouseOver layers will be created if they don’t already exist and the button
              objects copied onto them.

              "Ctrl + Shift + V" or "EDIT" > "PASTE IN PLACE" pastes the clipboard contents into the same
              X/Y position from where they were cut or copied or the same position relative to the
              bottom of the page in the case of footer objects. This only applies to objects cut or copied
              from within Web Designer Premium. Objects imported from other programs are always
              pasted into the center of the current view.

              The object remains on the clipboard so you can paste the same object several times.
              You can paste the clipboard content into multiple pages of your document by simply
              selecting the pages in the PAGE AND LAYER GALLERY.  "Ctrl + click" on a page thumbnail
              to add it to the selection, or use "Shift+click" to add a range of pages to the selection.
              Then paste (Ctrl + V). This is especially useful if you have copied a repeating object that
              you only want on some pages of a document. A simple "Ctrl + V" paste will place the
              object in the center of the page when you have more than one page selected.

              If there is a choice of formats on the clipboard, Xara Web Designer Premium will display
              a PASTE SPECIAL dialog which allows you to choose the format you want to paste in (eg.
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