Page 93 - Xara Web Designer Premium
P. 93

Object Handling          93

              •  "Tab" selects the next object towards the back.
              •  "Shift + Tab" selects the next object towards the front.

              Front and back objects are described in "Object handling (on page 92)".

              Marquee selection
              To select multiple objects, press and hold down the mouse button. Dragging the mouse
              draws a selection rectangle, and all objects wholly within the selection rectangle are

              Some other drawing programs call this marquee selection.

              If you have an object in the way which is preventing you from drawing a rectangle
              because you end up moving the object, hold down "" while dragging out the selection
              Extend Selection

              To select additional objects:

              •  "Shift + click" on them.
              •  Or "Shift + drag" the mouse pointer. This draws a selection rectangle and adds objects
                within the rectangle to the selection.

              Select under
              Hold down "Alt" to select objects hidden by other objects. By "Alt + clicking" you can step
              through several overlapping objects.
              Select inside

              You can select an object that’s inside a group or other container object by holding down
              "Ctrl" while you click on it. This is called selecting inside. The object you click on will
              always become selected, even if it’s deep down inside several levels of nested groups.
              When you have such deep nesting of groups, sometimes you may want to select one of
              the nested groups (a group inside another group). If you hold down the "Alt" and "Ctrl"
              keys while you click you can do this easily. The first such click will select the top level
              group (just as  an unmodified click does). Click again and the next group down in the
              hierarchy will be selected instead. Continue clicking to ‘drill down’ into the group structure
              until the group you want becomes selected.

              Note that some operations are not permitted with select inside. For example, marquee
              selection and right-click copy does not work for select inside.

              Moving objects selected under or inside
              If you need to move a selected object that’s either under others or inside a group, then
              just dragging doesn’t work as it will select and drag a different object. To overcome this
              hold "Ctrl + Alt" and start dragging. This will always drag the existing selected object. You
              can let go of the keys once you’ve started dragging.
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