Page 91 - Xara Web Designer Premium
P. 91

Document handling            91

              •  Click UNDO on the standard control bar.
              •  Or choose "EDIT" > "UNDO" (the exact wording tells you what the next undo step is, i.e.
                undo scale).
              •  Or press "Ctrl + Z".
              •  Or press the comma key (in any tool except the TEXTTOOL).
              You can repeat the undo command to step back through the sequence of previous
              The redo command

                     Redo cancels the last undo command. To redo the last operation:

              •  Click the REDO button on the standard control bar.
              •  Or choose "EDIT" > "REDO" (the exact wording tells you what the next redo step is, i.e.
                redo scale).
              •  Or press "Ctrl + Y".
              •  Or press the period (full stop) key (in any tool except the TEXTTOOL).

              You can only redo immediately after undo. You cannot redo after changing the document
              (for example, by moving or adding an object).
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