Page 87 - Xara Web Designer Premium
P. 87

Document handling            87

              2.   Let go of the mouse when you are over the arrow pointing towards the previously
                  moved (first) gallery. The second gallery docks next to the first.
              You can also group galleries and move the whole group to a new location if, for example,
              you are working primarily with 2 or 3 galleries that you want to be close to each other and
              easily accessible.

              Example of a gallery group with gallery tabs at the bottom - click and drag to add a gallery to or
              remove a gallery from the group.

              To group galleries:
              1.   Disable the AUTO HIDE button (pin) on one of the following galleries: BITMAP, LINE
                  and FILL GALLERY.The gallery is automatically grouped with the other five galleries,
                  displayed as tabs at the bottom of the group.
              2.   Click a tab and drag to remove a gallery from the group.
              3.   Click on a tab to open a gallery in the group.
              4.   To add a gallery to a group, click and drag the gallery over the group. Four docking
                  arrows appear in the center of the group.
              5.   Drag and drop the gallery into the square in the middle of these arrows and Web
                  Designer Premium adds it to the group and its tab displayed at the bottom of the
              6.   When you dock a gallery group, all galleries within the group are also docked.
                  When you auto hide or close a gallery group, all gallery tabs in the group are
                  displayed in the workspace border nearest to the last docking location.

              Using galleries
              To fold or unfold a section in a gallery:

              •  Click the FOLD/UNFOLD icon.
              •  Or double click the title strip.
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