Page 84 - Xara Web Designer Premium
P. 84

84      Document handling

                Displaying a gallery
                To display a gallery:

                1.   Click or hover the mouse pointer over the vertical tab for the gallery to the right of
                    the workspace (the gallery bar). The gallery opens automatically. When you move
                    the mouse pointer away from the gallery, it automatically closes.
                2.   To keep a gallery open while you work, click the AUTO HIDE (pin) button in its top
                    right corner. The AUTO HIDE button changes so the pin points downwards to indicate
                    that the gallery is now ‘pinned’ to the workspace
                3.   To close a ‘pinned’ gallery, see Closing a Gallery (on page 89).
                4.   To stop galleries automatically opening on mouse-over, uncheck the FLY-OUT BAR
                    option in the "Utilities" > "Galleries" menu.

                          Unpinned: gallery closes when you move the mouse pointer away from the

                          Pinned: gallery stays open when you move the mouse pointer away, and can
                           also be moved and docked (on page 84) elsewhere.

                Note: By default the LINE and FILL GALLERIES do not display their title, just their individual
                icons, until they have been opened. Web Designer Premium always displays the title of
                the last gallery that you have viewed.

                Moving and docking a gallery

                You can ‘detach’ any gallery from the gallery bar and move it to a more convenient
                location anywhere in the workspace. You can also dock the gallery (or a gallery group,
                see Grouping Galleries) in the top, bottom, left or right of the workspace.

                You can move a gallery anywhere in the workspace
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