Page 82 - Xara Web Designer Premium
P. 82

82      Document handling

                The constrain key

                The "Ctrl" key has a special function in Web Designer Premium. It constrains the action
                of the current operation in some way. For example, normally you can rotate an object to
                any angle. But in Web Designer Premium,if you hold down "Ctrl" while you rotate an
                object, the rotation is constrained to a subset of the possible angles. By default the object
                will rotate only to multiples of 45 degrees plus any rotations where a significant straight
                edge in the object becomes vertical or horizontal.
                                                     The black line on the left can be rotated to
                                                     any angle within the circle. On the right is
                                                     the same line, but with "Ctrl" held down it
                                                     can only be rotated to the positions

                Similarly, constraining a rectangle creates a perfect square and constraining an ellipse
                creates a perfect circle. Release "Ctrl", and they will not be constrained.

                The constrain angle feature is defined in "FILE" > "PAGE OPTIONS" > "GENERAL" > "ANGLE
                CONSTRAINT (ON PAGE 499)"


                Xara Web Designer Premium uses galleries to provide convenient access to libraries of
                content such as templates, fonts, colors, clip-art, line attributes, and bitmaps/photos. This
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