Page 81 - Xara Web Designer Premium
P. 81

Document handling            81

              The units and number of divisions on the rulers are the same as those set for
              customizing the on-screen grid. These are set using the Grid & Ruler Tab (on page 500)
              of the options dialog box. The current units and any scaling factor are displayed on the
              right hand end of the top ruler.

              Displaying/hiding rulers
              Right click and choose "SHOW GRID/GUIDES" > "SHOW RULERS" ("Ctrl + Shift + R") to turn
              rulers on/off. Any change applies to the current window and subsequent windows you
              open. It does not affect other open windows.

              Changing the ruler zero points
              It is often easier to measure objects if you align the origin (0,0) point of the rulers with the
              object. To move the origin (0,0) point, drag the square at the intersection of the two
                                         You can drag vertically or horizontally along the rulers
                                         or over any part of the Web Designer Premium editing
                                         window. As you do, a dotted line will outline the new
                                         This also moves the grid origin so that divisions on the
                                         ruler always align with the grid.

              You can also move the zero point under the GRID & RULER tab (on page 500) of the
              Options dialog.

              View quality

              There are five different quality settings available in the "WINDOWS" > "QUALITY" menu,
              which affect how the document appears in Xara Web Designer Premium:

              •  Outline only. This is now fully anti-aliased for higher quality screen display.
              •  Outline with blend steps.
              •  Full color (no anti-aliasing).
              •  High quality (full anti-aliasing and image smoothing)
              •  Very high quality (best anti-aliasing in the industry. New bi-cubic photo display
                considerably improves the quality of scaled down photos).
              FULL COLOR shows the document colored, but with anti-aliasing turned off.

              On the OUTLINE setting only the outlines of the shapes appear (they are drawn as wire
              frames). This makes it easier to select objects hidden behind other objects.
              The quality setting has no effect on how the document exports or prints, except for
              bitmap exports which do use the current quality setting.
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