Page 94 - Xara Web Designer Premium
P. 94

94      Object Handling

                Or you can use the arrow keys on the keyboard to nudge the object.

                Selecting and layers
                You cannot select objects in locked or invisible layers.

                See "PAGE & LAYER GALLERY (on page 447)" for more details on layers.

                Selecting Photos and SmartShapes
                When you select a photo or SmartShape with the SELECTOR TOOL, you'll see SmartPhoto
                handles (on page 361). This allows direct editing of the photo or SmartShape without
                having to first switch into the Photo Tool or Quickshape Tool.

                Selecting all objects
                To select all objects:

                •  Choose "EDIT" > "SELECT ALL",
                •  Or press "Ctrl + A".

                Deselecting an object
                To deselect all objects:

                •  Click anywhere on an unused part of the document,
                •  Or choose "EDIT" > "CLEAR SELECTION",
                •  Or press "Esc".

                To deselect one object from several:
                •  "Shift + click" on the object. This deselects that object. Other objects remain selected.

                Selection markers
                                                      Each selected object displays a single
                                                      selection marker to show it is selected.
                                                      This is a useful reminder when selecting
                                                      and deselecting several objects.

                Status line
                The status line at the bottom of the window also describes what is selected.

                Selection bounds handles
                Selection bounds handles let you scale and stretch selected objects. See Stretching and
                squashing objects  for more details. Successive clicks on an object alternate between
                showing selection bounds and rotation handles.
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