Page 113 - Xara Web Designer Premium
P. 113

Object Handling         113

                      To toggle Magnetic snapping to objects on and off, click the SNAP TO OBJECTS
                       button in the top toolbar. Alternatively right click the pasteboard and choose
                      "SNAP TO" > "SNAP TO OBJECTS", or use the menu option "WINDOW" > "SNAP TO
                      OBJECTS". You can also toggle it on/off during dragging by tapping ‘s’.

              Click and drag on the object you want to snap. As you drag, Web Designer Premium
              displays a magnet icon, blue lines and red points whenever you are near a "point of
              interest" that it has snapped to.
              Snap indicators

              Snap indicators are shown whenever a snap occurs. That is whenever a point of interest
              on the object you are dragging comes in range of a point of interest in the document
              (which could be on another object or be part of the page). Web Designer Premium snaps
              to the point of interest and the mouse pointer changes to show a magnet symbol so you
              know a snap has happened. Also further indications are shown dynamically on screen to
              help you see what snap has occurred.

              •  A red dot indicates that a specific point has snapped
              •  A blue line indicates a snap to some feature of another object (e.g. to the edge of a
              •  An orange line indicates a snap to a page feature (corners, edges, center)

              The snap indicator lines pulse to show that they are temporary "live" indicators and to
              help them be seen over different background colors.
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