Page 117 - Xara Web Designer Premium
P. 117

Object Handling         117

              Grouping and ungrouping objects

              The Shadow and Transparency Tools offer different results depending on whether
              objects are grouped or not. For more information see "Transparency" and "Shadows (on
              page 281)".

              You will often create complex shapes from several different objects. The "ARRANGE" >
              "GROUP" menu option (or right click selected objects and choose GROUP) lets you lock
              those objects together to form what appears as a single object. You can then select the
              grouped objects and copy, rescale, move or perform any other operation on the entire
              To create a group
              1.   Select all the objects you want in the group.
              2.   Right click and choose GROUP or choose GROUP from the ARRANGE menu (or "Ctrl +
                  G") to create the group.

              Ungrouping objects
              1.   Select the group.
              2.   Right click and choose UNGROUP or choose UNGROUP from the ARRANGE menu (or
                  "Ctrl + U").

              After this, all the individual objects in the group remain selected.

              Removing objects from a group
              1.   Ungroup the objects.
              2.   "Shift + click" on the objects you want to remove. This deselects them; the other
                  objects remain selected.

              You can then choose "ARRANGE" > "GROUP" to regroup the remaining objects.

              Selecting a single object from within a group
              This feature called SELECT INSIDE, is useful for changing an object's color, for example.
              "Ctrl + click" on the object (you can also use this to select a "group within a group").
              Pressing "Tab", or "Shift + Tab" moves the selection within the group, to the next, or
              previous object. Once you have selected an object inside a group, you can also use "Alt
              + click" to select the object under the selected one.
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