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160 Shape Handling
Drag a star handle or select STELLATION RADIUS &
OFFSET on the EDITABLE ITEMS menu. Type the
required values into the text boxes.
The original shape is on the left.
Or drag the sides to make them curved:
The original shape is on the left.
You can also nudge the values using the buttons to the right.
Offset from center
Angular offset
"Ctrl + drag" one side of a star moves all the sides symmetrically. "Ctrl + Shift dragging"
moves pairs of sides as mirror images. "Ctrl + double click" on a side, or click the
RESTORE EDGES button to make all sides straight again.
Combining shapes
The menu option "ARRANGE" > "COMBINE SHAPES" (or right click and choose COMBINE
SHAPES) provides you with a range of advanced options to combine shapes to make new
shapes, such as adding, cutting, or slicing. You can use combine shapes on any type of
object, including bitmaps.
Creating holes in shapes
Use "ARRANGE" > "COMBINE SHAPES" > "SUBTRACT SHAPES". This is similar to using join
shapes (described above). The differences are:
• The top shape (or top group) becomes a hole through the other shapes.
• The line attributes and colors of the underlying shapes are unchanged.
• Combine shapes physically alters the lines. The only way to restore the original
shapes is by using undo.
• The number of overlapping shapes has no effect.