Page 164 - Xara Web Designer Premium
P. 164

164      Shape Handling

                Although there are simple SmartShapes that are just a single shape, the underlying
                SmartShape architecture supports much more complex examples, including charts,
                percentage rings, photo grids, text panels and charts which can all be customized.

                Chart and photo grid SmartShapes

                See the topic Photo Grids (on page 354) in the Photo Handling (on page 352) section for
                more detail on editing the Photo Grid smartshapes.

                Editing SmartShapes

                You can edit a SmartShape simply by clicking on the shape in the Selector tool.
                Alternatively, select them using the QuickShape (or rectangle or ellipse) tools from main
                tool bar.

                When selected the SmartShape will show a set of control handles on and around the
                shape, like this:

                                                               This is a simple Text Panel

                                                               SmartShape. The blue
                                                               circular handles on the sides
                                                               allow you to stretch the panel
                                                               to be any size. The top right
                                                               corner handle will rotate the
                                                               whole object. The bottom
                                                               right will enlarge or reduce
                                                               the size of the whole

                Each SmartShape has its own set of control handles. Hold the mouse-pointer over any
                handle for a handy tool-tip. The Status Line (bottom of window) also provides some
                description of the function of each handle. In this example the top left orange handle
                adjusts the rounded corner of the panel background (and most rectangular SmartShapes
                have a similar function). The inset handle at the top right, in this case, adjusts the margin
                around the text. Where SmartShapes contain text, you can edit the text - change its size
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