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168      Shape Handling

                Timeline SmartShapes

                Timelines are common in many types of documents and particularly in presentations.
                The Timeline Smartshape consists of a line with an object (or group of objects) repeated
                along its length with regular spacing. You can increase or reduce the number of objects
                on the line, adjust their spacing, size, vertical alignment, etc. using the SmartShape’s

                Timeline Smartshape with editing handles

                To insert a Timeline, use "INSERT" > "FROM CONTENT CATALOG" > "COMPONENTS" > "PRINT
                & WEB COMPONENTS" > "TIMELINES"

                Timeline Handle Summary
                 END HANDLES   Drag either end to change the length of the line, or rotate the whole line.
                 SPACING      Drag to adjust the spacing of the objects on the line and therefore determine
                              how much of the line sticks out on each end.
                 ADD/REMOVE   Click to add a copy of the rightmost object, or drag to add or remove multiple
                              objects. If nothing happens when you try to add a copy, that means there is not
                              enough space on the line to fit another copy.  Try reducing the size of the
                              objects using the Size handle, or extending the line length by dragging it out.
                 VERTICAL     Drag to adjust the vertical positioning of the objects on the line.
                 DELETE       Delete an object from the line.
                 LINE WIDTH   Drag to adjust the width of the line.
                 SIZE         Change the size of the objects on the line.

                Text Editing
                Many of the timelines include text, which of course you can edit using the TEXT TOOL. If
                you find you can’t fit the text you want into the space available, try increasing the size of
                the objects on the line using the Size handle and then select the text and reduce its font
                size, so you can fit more text in. If the change the font size of all the text on one object,
                you should see the text on all the other objects update too, to help you choose the size
                that fits best.
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