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P. 197

Text Handling        197

              FONT FAMILY: A set of similar fonts. For example Garamond and Garamond Italic are
              different fonts from the same Garamond family.

              JUSTIFICATION: An alternative way of describing text alignment. Left aligned text is
              sometimes called left justified, or flush-left, or ragged right.
              MONOSPACED: All the individual characters of a monospaced font have the same width.
              Sometimes referred to a fixed width fonts. Useful for program listings. Courier is the most
              common monospaced font. Most fonts are proportional spaced fonts, meaning the
              characters vary in width.

              POINT: Text or font sizes are traditionally measured in points, abbreviated to pt. 1pt is
              approximately 1/72nd inch, so 72pt text is approximately 1inch tall, although different
              fonts of a given size can vary.

              The Text Tool

              Use the TEXT TOOL ("F8") to enter or edit text.

              TEXT TOOL InfoBar Left Side

                    Font Size

              TEXT TOOL InfoBar Right Side
   192   193   194   195   196   197   198   199   200   201   202