Page 198 - Xara Web Designer Premium
P. 198

198      Text Handling

                      Vertical Text Alignment
                      Line Spacing
                      Bulleted lists
                      Numbered lists
                      Spell Checker/auto-correction
                      Paragraph spacing
                      Advanced Text options (click for flyout)

                Advanced text options

                      Auto hyphenation
                      Text Capitalization
                      Stylistic Sets
                      Open Types Alternates

                Xara Web Designer Premium supports three basic type of text objects

                •  Simple text lines: Click on the page, and type.
                •  Text columns: Click and drag to create a column, and type.
                •  Text areas: Click and drag diagonally to create a rectangular area, and type.

                After you’ve created any text object you can transform it (rotate, scale, skew) and can
                apply all the normal attributes, fill color, transparency, feather etc, using the normal tools.
                You can also attach it to a curve. The text will remain editable.
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