Page 219 - Xara Web Designer Premium
P. 219

Text Handling        219

               1.   Create either basic text, text in a column
                   or a text area (see above).
               2.   Select your text object and one curve.
               3.   Choose "ARRANGE" > "FIT TEXT TO
              Alternatively, select a curve or line and then in the TEXT TOOL, click on the line, where
              you want the text to start, and type. This automatically fits the text along the line. When
              you reach the end of the line the text will wrap onto a new line, immediately below the
              start of the previous one.
              If you do not want the text to wrap to a new line, "Shift + click" on the line.

               To hide the curve so it’s not visible, select the SHAPE TOOL and set the line color to
               NO COLOR or a width of NONE. You can also edit the curve as usual this way.
              To hide the curve so it’s not visible, select the SHAPE TOOL and set the line color to NO
              COLOR or a width of NONE. You can also edit the curve as usual this way.

              Applying color is described in Color handling (on page 180).

              Adjusting the left and right margin of text on a curve
              If you just start typing or place a column of text on a curve, you can change the start and
              end position of the red handles. Just drag them along the curve as required.  If you
              center text it will be between these two margins.
              Swapping sides of the line

              Right click on the text and select the REVERSE TEXT ON CURVE menu option.

              Alternatively, if you reverse the direction of the line (SHAPE TOOL, REVERSE PATHS button
              on the InfoBar), then the text will move to the other side of the line or, in the case of a
              closed shape, move from the inside to the outside of the shape.

              Text inside shapes

              You can place text inside shapes, so that it flows within the shape’s outline.

              Create your own text filled shapes or have a look in the CONTENT CATALOG where you
              can find some text panel designs that  use this feature. See "COMPONENTS" > "PRINT &
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