Page 221 - Xara Web Designer Premium
P. 221

Text Handling        221

              and the corners of the red dotted box mirrors the same margin value, as an additional
              visual cue.

              Text inside shape with adjustment handles
              Alternatively you can set the padding margin by right-clicking on the text area and
              choosing "TEXT INSIDE" > "PROPERTIES…", which allows you to enter a value.
              Selecting the containing object
              When you click on the object with text inside, you select the text area. The object within
              which the text flows (most commonly just a shape) is a child of that text area, so it
              behaves like a group. So if you move, copy, delete or resize the text area in the
              SELECTOR TOOL, the whole combined object is moved, copied, deleted or resized.
              If you want to select and edit the shape that contains the text, you can use CTRL + CLICK
              or right-click "TEXT INSIDE" > "SELECT …" With the shape selected you can resize or edit it
              and then the text will re-flow within the new outline. To detach the text entirely from the
              shape so they become completely separate objects, again right-click and select "TEXT
              INSIDE" > "DETACH".
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