Page 3 - Xara Web Designer Premium
P. 3

Contents         3

              The Xara Web Designer Premium window                                65
              Opening a second window                                             69
              Changing the zoom value                                             70
              Sliding the document within the window                              71
              Changing the page size                                              72
              Multiple pages in the document                                      72
              Saving the document                                                 75
              Support folders                                                     76
              Closing the document                                                76
              Automatic Backups                                                   77
              On-screen grid                                                      79
              Rulers                                                              80
              View quality                                                        81
              The constrain key                                                   82
              Galleries                                                           82
              Undo and Redo                                                       90

              Object Handling                                                     92
              The Selector Tool                                                   92
              Moving objects                                                      95
              Removing objects from the document                                  99
              Duplicating and cloning                                             99
              Moving objects forward and backwards                               102
              Rotating using the mouse                                           103
              Scaling (resizing) objects                                         105
              Flipping objects                                                   109
              Stretching and squashing objects                                   109
              Skewing objects                                                    110
              Snapping                                                           111
              Guide Objects and Guidelines                                       114
              Summary of shortcuts on the numeric keypad                         116
              Conflicts in page layouts                                          116
              Grouping and ungrouping objects                                    117
              Soft Groups                                                        118
              Alignment                                                          119
              Current attributes (styles)                                        122
              Copying Styles: Paste Attributes                                   124
              ClipView                                                           125
              Naming objects                                                     126
              Repeating Objects                                                  127
              Auto-fit to page...                                                130
              Push objects                                                       136

              Drawing Lines and Shapes                                           138
              Drawing a line or a shape                                          138
              The Freehand & Brush Tool                                          138
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