Page 7 - Xara Web Designer Premium
P. 7

Contents         7

              Operations That Use A Mask                                         297
              Copying Shapes To The Mask Layer                                   299
              Web Properties Dialog                                              300
              Link Tab                                                           301
              Website Tab                                                        306
              Page Tab                                                           308
              Image Tab                                                          311
              Mouse-over properties (Web Animations)                             316
              Placeholder Tab                                                    316
              Web Animation                                                      319
              Web Sticky and Stretchy Objects                                    319
              Publish Tab                                                        319
              Analytics Tab                                                      321
              Export Tab                                                         322

              Responsive web design                                              325
              About RWD                                                          325
              Multiple variants                                                  326
              Creating RWD Websites from templates                               326
              Creating RWD Websites from existing sites                          327
              Sharing across variants                                            328
              Variants and repeating objects                                     329
              Variants and Navigation bars                                       329
              Variants and Fit to Width websites                                 329
              Publishing variants                                                330

              Web Sticky and Stretchy Objects                                    331
              Sticky Objects                                                     331
              Stretchy Objects                                                   334
              Sticky and Stretchy object combinations                            336

              Website Backgrounds                                                337
              Template Backgrounds  and re-coloring backgrounds                  339
              Fixed, non-scrolling backgrounds                                   340
              Using photos as backgrounds                                        340
              Page and Pasteboard Background Layers                              341
              RWD Variants and Backgrounds                                       342
              Offsetting the top of your page                                    343

              Website Publishing                                                 344
              Publishing to Xara Hosting (Xara-Online)                           344
              Publishing to an alternative web host                              345
              Explore web space                                                  349
              Fast Publish (Only changed files)                                  350
              Save Publish settings in document                                  350
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