Page 314 - Xara Web Designer Premium
P. 314

314      Web Properties Dialog

                the gallery, so make sure you use the Link tab of the Web Properties dialog to turn on the
                popup photo option on any photos that you want to be included in the gallery.

                Image Captions
                You can optionally show a caption below each pop-up photo. Enter the caption text in
                this field in the Image Tab.

                Note that this feature works on objects other than photos, such as shapes and groups,
                but can’t be used directly on text. You can put text inside a group (Ctrl+G) to work around
                this restriction.

                For those familiar with HTML, this text is also used as the "ALT" text on the image that is
                exported for the currently selected object, whether or not the image also has a pop-up.
                Web browsers show this text on the page in place of the image, if the image can’t be
                obtained for some reason.

                Web image type
                Due to the nature of HTML websites, most objects you see and can select on the page in
                Xara Web Designer Premium have to be converted to bitmap images during the process
                of exporting your website. This all happens automatically for you when you preview and
                export, but the controls on this tab give you some control over how these images are
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