Page 319 - Xara Web Designer Premium
P. 319

Web Properties Dialog          319

              from the content you have added, whenever the content changes or when you resize the
              placeholder object.

              When you paste code or import files directly onto your page, as recommended above,
              this option is selected automatically for the placeholder image that gets generated.
              Sometimes it’s useful to turn it off after inserting content this way, if you are happy with
              the preview image and no longer want it to be re-generated if you change the content in
              some way.

              Web Animation

              Click on the WEB ANIMATION icon to bring up the Web Animation dialog. Web Animations
              allow you to take an object in your web document and quickly create an animated
              response to a prompt like a mouse-over, a mouse-click or a screen touch. You can
              trigger pop-up layers or pop-up text. You can have objects reveal themselves as you
              scroll down a page and also control all these animations with a wide range of effects.

              See Web Animations (on page 454) for more details.

              Web Sticky and Stretchy Objects

              Click on the WEB STICKY AND STRETCHY OBJECTS icon to bring up the Sticky and Stretchy
              objects dialog. The dialog allows you to select objects which will remain at a fixed
              position on your browser window (Sticky). You can also configure objects to stretch the
              width or height of the window (Stretchy).
              See Web Sticky and Stretchy Objects for more details.

              Publish Tab

              The PUBLISH tab of the WEB PROPERTIES DIALOG is where you configure or change the
              settings which allow you to publish your website to the internet. However you don’t need
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