Page 323 - Xara Web Designer Premium
P. 323

Web Properties Dialog          323

              Enabling transitions and viewer options
              Open the Export tab within the Web Propeties dialog to view the Export options. "Utilities"
              > "Web Properties" > "Export".

              Web Export Options dialog
              From here you can select the transition effect when navigating between pages. The
              "Website" option is available if your document is set as a "web" document (under
              "Utilities" > "Options" > "General"), and will export your website without any transitional
              effect between pages, like a conventional website.
              If you choose a Vertical or Horizontal scrolling option you can specify the space between
              individual pages in units of pixels (1 to 1000px with a default distance of 8px). The little
              preview windows will reflect your choice giving you an idea of the final output.

              To apply a page transition select Page Transitions and then choose a Transition Effect
              from the dropdown menu. You can control the speed of the transition and also have the
              pages Scale To Fit Screen so that they automatically resize to fit the browser window.
              The transition effect you choose here will apply to all pages in your site. Again, the little
              preview window will update to reflect your choice.
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