Page 328 - Xara Web Designer Premium
P. 328

328      Responsive web design

                widths above that it will show the wider one. Also note because most mobile devices
                always try to fit the browser content into the screen, it doesn’t matter that your page is
                wider than their screen pixels - it will be scaled down to fit by the browser.

                Sharing across variants

                When you create a new variant, most of the content is shared or Liveshared across all
                variants, but the size and position of that content is local to each variant.

                •  If you edit the text it will be changed in all variants.
                •  If you change the size of objects the change will apply to one variant only (it’s likely
                  that you will want objects to have different positions and sizes on the different
                •  If you drag and drop a photo onto an existing photo, it will be replaced in all variants.
                •  If you edited the shape of the photo or cropped it, or changed the fill (image size,
                  rotation or position inside the picture frame) then these are local to each variant. This
                  is useful because it means you can not only change the size and position of photos on
                  the variants, but change their aspect ratio and image crop.

                Click on an object to see if it's Liveshared or not.

                                                    This photo has a double line marker,
                                                    top right, which indicates it’s
                                                    ‘Liveshared’ on one or more variants.

                                                    You can resize, crop and adjust the
                                                    fill as required, and that will stay local
                                                    to each variant. but if you swap the
                                                    picture, say by dragging a new one
                                                    on top, then all variants will change.

                When you create a new object - say a text area, photo or graphic, it's not initially shared
                between variants. If you want to share it use the "UTILITIES" > "WEBSITE VARIANTS" menu
                or just right click on it, and select "WEBSITE VARIANTS" > "SHARE WITH ALL VARIANTS".
                Select "STOP SHARING WITH VARIANTS" if you don't want an object to be shared across
                variants. This menu also gives you the option of deleting the object from all variants.

                Technical note: If you have different variants of photos, say a different size, crop or fill
                position, then Xara has to create multiple versions of the photo for the published website.
                However this does not have a significant performance overhead (it doesn’t slow down
                your website), as the web browser loads the correct version initially, and then, in the
                background, downloads the other variant images. So this means the initial version you’re
                looking at (be in the mobile or desktop version) will always downloaded as fast as it can,
                but that if you do change your browser width or orientation, it will instantly switch to the
                other version.
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