Page 359 - Xara Web Designer Premium
P. 359

Photo Handling         359

              Importing Photos

              Xara Web Designer Premium supports a very wide range of photo or bitmap file formats
              including JPEG, PNG, TIFF and RAW digital camera images.

              The easiest way to open an image is to drag the photo or bitmap file from your Windows
              file explorer onto the Web Designer Premium Window. Or you can select the "FILE" >
              "OPEN" or IMPORT menu options.

              When importing high resolution photos (anything above 1920 pixels either wide or high)
              into a web document (including presentation documents), Xara Web Designer Premium
              automatically resizes the photo down to HD screen size without asking you if you want to
              import a lower resolution version. For a web document, even at the reduced size, there
              should be more than enough resolution in your photos for high quality results on your
              website, so it’s rarely necessary to import digital camera images at full resolution for web

              However, if you are importing a large photo into an animation document, Xara Web
              Designer Premium asks you if you want to import a lower resolution version of your
              photos. If your document is to include many photos, you may want to choose this
              reduced resolution option. Otherwise with large photos you may find that your saved
              design file is much bigger than it needs to be (because it contains a copy of each of your
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