Page 364 - Xara Web Designer Premium
P. 364

364      Photo Handling

                display any number of copies of the same image 'on the fly' this way. This saves huge
                amounts of memory and dramatically reduces files sizes.

                This doesn't detract or limit what you can do with each copy, and they can be treated as
                completely separate independent copies. Each copy does not have to be identical. You
                can manipulate each as required, resizing, rotating, cropping. coloring, feathering, or
                applying a wide range of photo and transparency effects. All for no memory or native file
                size increase.

                This shows separate copies of the same image, each manipulated in a different way.
                Each retaining the full resolution of the original imported JPEG, as you can see from the
                right image. The memory (RAM and file size) is no more than the original JPEG size.

                The Bitmap Gallery

                The Document handling chapter (on page 82) has general information about galleries.

                The BITMAP GALLERY shows all the bitmaps or photos used in any document, along with
                information about its pixel size and file size.
                       You can open it by clicking it in the Galleries bar, or from within the "UTILITIES" >
                       "GALLERIES" menu, or "F11".
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