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The Photo Tools        389

              Cropping or clipping images
              The simplest way to clip a photo is just start dragging on or across the photo with the
              ENHANCE TOOL selected. The clipping is performed instantly after releasing the mouse.
              The resulting clipped photo has clip handles around it, where you can adjust the clip
              borders afterwards.

              This is a non-destructive operation meaning that you can both adjust the clip region after
              you've copped the image and even un-crop to restore the whole image. A way to look at
              the process is that it just adjusts the picture outlines, but the whole picture remains
              clipped inside the rectangular outline. This is why it's called a clip, and not crop, although
              it serves the same goal as a traditional crop tool.

              You can select different photos while using the photo tools by just clicking on them. This
              also works for photos inside groups.

              Clip Tool

              Alternatively you can enter CLIP TOOL by selecting the Clip icon on the PHOTO TOOL fly-
              out bar. This provides a range of additional crop options. You can enter exact pixel
              values, and select from various crop aspect ratios

                    For interactive clipping and some more options regarding aspect ratio, enter the
                     CLIP TOOL with the CLIP TOOL button.

              This alters the InfoBar to look like this:

              As you drag over the photo, the clip rectangle is highlighted.

              •  You can adjust the region by dragging on the corner or side handles
              •  You can push the region around by just dragging inside the clip region
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