Page 395 - Xara Web Designer Premium
P. 395

The Photo Tools        395

                    Add a new Effect
                    List of effects applied, in order
                    Edit the selected effect
                    Live effect resolution
                    Delete current effect
                    Lock/unlock all effects
                    Delete all effects
                    Configure to find plug-ins

              Applying a Live Effect
              To apply a Live Effect:

              1.   Select the object or objects in the usual way.
              2.   Select the LIVE EFFECTS Tool.
              3.   Click the NEW button on the left side of the InfoBar. This displays a partitioned list of
                  available effects in a menu. The first set of effects listed in the menu are PICTURE
                  EDITOR effects. The second set are effects provided by the built in Xara Web
                  Designer Premium FEATHER and SHADOW (on page 281) Tools. The third set of
                  effects are "New-style" Photoshop plug-in effects and the final set are "Old-style"
                  Photoshop plug-in effects (see below for an explanation of these diFFERENT TYPES).
              4.   Select the effect you want to apply from the list.
              5.   This will display a dialog or tool that belongs to the effect. You can adjust the
                  various controls and you usually get a small preview of the effect in the dialog.

              Click OK when you're done to return to Xara Web Designer Premium.

              Editing shapes

              If you apply a Live Effect to a shape or text, the object remains fully editable. Each time
              you edit it in any way, the Live Effect is automatically re-applied to the object. For locked
              effects this is not possible, and you must remove the effect using the DELETE button on
              the Live Effect InfoBar, edit the shape, and then re-apply the effect.

              Locking effects
              When you resize or rotate an object which has a Live Effect applied, Web Designer
              Premium takes this to be an edit and re-generates the effect. This may not be what you
              want, so it's useful sometimes to be able to lock an effect.

              Old-style Photoshop plug-ins are LOCKED as soon as you apply them. This means the
              underlying shape can't be edited. You can also lock a Live Effect and then when you
              resize or rotate the object the effect remains fixed, as if you were resizing/rotating a

              As an example of this, imagine a plug-in that always applies horizontal ripples (the
              "Television" Live Effect shown does something similar). Apply this effect to a shape, and
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