Page 432 - Xara Web Designer Premium
P. 432

432      Website Presentations

                Deleting objects from a step
                Right click the object and choose CUT or DELETE, or in the PAGE & LAYER GALLERY right
                click the object and choose DELETE or click the object then press the DELETE button in the
                standard toolbar.

                When you delete an object and it's the only object in a step, Web Designer Premium will
                automatically delete the empty step but only after a Save or a Preview operation. This
                allows the addition of new objects to a step without disturbing the existing step order.

                After a Save or Preview operation, empty steps will be deleted and the remaining steps
                re-numbered accordingly.

                Deleting a step
                        Select an object in the step and click the DELETE STEP button in the
                        Presentation toolbar or right-click and choose PRESENTATION > DELETE STEP.

                Alternatively in the PAGE & LAYER GALLERY right click the layer and choose DELETE LAYER.

                Adding new presentation pages

                Right click the Xara Web Designer Premium pasteboard and choose NEW PAGE to add a
                new blank page or DUPLICATE CURRENT PAGE to add a copy of the currently selected

                Creating Number and Bullet lists

                When you add bulleted or numbered lists to a presentation, each item on the list is
                automatically made into a separate presentation step when you export your presentation.
                This makes it much easier to create and edit animated list items. To add new list items
                just hit return at the end of one of the existing items. The transition effect used for each
                bullet point during the presentation is that set for the presentation layer on which the list
                resides (you cannot set different effects for different points in the same list).

                To turn the feature off, right click in the text area while the TEXT TOOl is selected, choose
                PRESENTATION > PRESENT BY PARAGRAPH from the menu and deselect the option. Now
                when you export/preview your presentation the list is no longer split into separate steps.

                To find out more about creating bulleted and numbered lists see Text Handling >
                Applying text appearances (on page 196)
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