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P. 430

430      Website Presentations

                8.   If you want to move an object to another step, right click on it and you’ll see a
                    PRESENTATION sub-menu in the context menu that appears. That sub-menu itself
                    has a MOVE TO STEP sub-menu, that lists all the existing steps on this page. Just
                    select the required step. There’s also a NEW STEP option in the menu, that does the
                    same thing as the MAKE NEW STEP button you used above.
                9.   You can change the effect used by each step easily. Select one of the rectangles
                    you just added and then press the last button on the Presentation Toolbar titled
                    STEP TRANSITION EFFECT. This brings up a dialog that allows you to select a
                    different transition instead of the default "fade" transition. Choose SLIDE IN FROM
                    RIGHT. Preview your page again and this time when you press the right arrow key
                    the text and rectangle slide in from the right.

                10.  If you decide that you want an object to be permanently visible, instead of part of a
                    step, select it and choose the MOVE TO BACKGROUND  button on the Presentation
                    toolbar. That puts the object back on the MouseOff layer. Try this on one of the
                    objects you placed on a step.

                11.  The ONLINE CONTENT CATALOG includes some useful components for presentations,
                    under "PRESENTATIONS" > "PRESENTATION COMPONENTS". Just drag and drop a
                    component onto your page. Each component is added to the current step. If that’s
                    not what you want, use the presentation menu to move it to a different step, or to
                    the background (MouseOff) layer. (Note that the HEADINGS and TRANSITION
                    CONTROLS components are always added to the MouseOff/Background layer).

                12.  Remember as described above, the PAGE & LAYER GALLERY shows you all the
                    presentation steps on your page, in order, since each presentation step is in fact
                    just a separate layer. And only the current step and steps below/before it are shown
                    on the canvas.

                Converting an existing website into a presentation
                In the website document, right click a page and choose WEB PAGE PROPERTIES to display
                the Web Properties dialog.
                Click the Website tab and click the PRESENTATION WEBSITE checkbox to select it.

                      The document's tab at the top of the workspace displays the presentation
                        document icon.

                Note: Layers within the document are not automatically turned into presentation steps
                when you turn a website into a presentation. You have to manually convert each layer
                into a presentation step - see Turning a layer into a step. However, when you turn a
                presentation into a website, presentation steps are automatically converted to layers and
                renamed 'step 1' etc.
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