Page 425 - Xara Web Designer Premium
P. 425

Website Presentations          425

              Website Presentations

              About Presentations

              Xara Web Designer Premium allows you to create web presentations - much like a
              Microsoft PowerPoint® presentation but as a website with effects such as animated step
              transitions within a page, and smooth animated page transitions.

              Presentations are just normal HTML web documents, and are compatible with all modern
              browsers as well as phones and tablets. They automatically scale to fit any browser
              window size.
              Viewers of your web presentation can move through it sequentially, step by step and
              page by page, using the right arrow and Page Down key to view the next step or page,
              and the left arrow or Page Up key to move backwards. There is also a pop-up navigation
              bar, which appears at the bottom left corner of the presentation allowing easy on-screen
              navigation of presentation pages.

              You export your presentation in exactly the same way as you would for a conventional
              website and you can also to export as PowerPoint® (.ppt) presentation too.

              Steps and layers

              Steps in a Presentation are really just layers, that are animated onto the page, one at a
              time. If you open the Page & Layer Gallery (on page 444) you'll see all of the steps, as
              layers, plus a few other layers.

              The 'background' of each slide, in the Page & Layer Gallery, is called the MOUSE-OFF
              layer. Above this there's another MOUSE-OVER layer that holds items that have mouse-
              over behaviour, such as buttons, navigation bars, 'next page' arrows, etc. In addition
              there is a PASTEBOARD BACKGROUND and a PAGE BACKGROUND which are special, usually
              locked, layers.
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