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Navigation Bars        423

              Similarly you can change the size of the font using the font size control which is next to
              the font selection list.

              Importing & pasting NavBars

              If you import or paste a NavBar into your document, the site navigation option on that
              NavBar is turned off automatically, if it was on. This is to avoid any conflicts with any
              existing site navigation bar in your document.
              However if the incoming bar is of the same theme and type as the existing site navigation
              bar in your site (ie., are part of the same repeating group), it will immediately be updated
              to match that existing site navigation bar. Hence in this case the bar will not appear on
              your page in its original form.
              If the bar is of a different theme or type (ie., are not part of the same repeating group), it
              will appear unmodified.

              Creating your own Navigation Bars

              You can create a NavBar from any button design. The ONLINE CONTENT CATALOG
              contains many different button designs, or you can draw your own. See the „Creating
              your own Mouseover Buttons (on page 419)" section of the Getting Started chapter for
              information on how to do this.The button may or may not include a mouseover state.

              To create a NavBar, select the button and then select "ARRANGE" > "CREATE NAVIGATION
              BAR". The NAVIGATION BAR DIALOG appears and you can immediately add more buttons to
              your bar, just as for other NavBars.

              You can also create NavBars with more than one button design (so you can have
              different designs for the first and/or last button in the bar). See the section below, which
              describes how to do that.
              Button design restrictions
              There are some rules you must follow when creating your own buttons for use in

              Stretchy button limitations
              In order to get reliable results when your buttons are automatically stretched you are
              advised to make sure that there are no path control points or graduated fill/transparency
              control points in the horizontal area occupied by the button label text object.

              Text in a button

              Each state of the button design must be a group object containing a text object that can
              serve as the button label. This text object should be a simple text object, not a text
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