Page 421 - Xara Web Designer Premium
P. 421

Navigation Bars        421

              Menu Styles
              Click on the MENU STYLE… button to bring up the MENU STYLE DIALOG. This allows you to
              change how the menus appear and behave on your NavBar.

              Choose a font to be used for the text on your menus. Only the web safe fonts are listed,
              which are the fonts that all visitors to your site should have. There is also an option to
              make the font bold and you can change the font size used.

              NOTE: This doesn’t change the font used for the button labels of your bar, only the font
              used on menus. To change the button label font, see the section about this later in this

              Choose the direction in which your menus should open. For horizontal NavBars you’ll
              normally want this to be downwards and for vertical bars either left or right depending on
              where on the page your bar is located.
              With this setting you can add space between the entries in your menu, spreading them
              out and making the menu larger as a result.
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