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P. 417

Navigation Bars        417

              templates have site navigation bars turned on. If you don’t want this behavior, simply turn
              off the site navigation bar option on the NAVBAR DIALOG.

              The standalone NavBars presented with each theme in the gallery do not have site
              navigation turned on by default. This is because any user adding bars manually is less
              likely to want that bar on every page of their site, with a link to every page. But again, the
              option can easily be turned on in the NavBar dialog if required.

              Other points to note
              If you delete a button which points to one of your pages, or change the link on it to point
              elsewhere, no special action is taken to restore a button link to the page. It’s assumed
              you decided that you didn’t want a direct link to that page in your site navigation bar. New
              buttons and page links are only created when a page is added.

              Single button NavBars

              Sites designed to be viewed on small mobile devices have little space for horizontal or
              vertical NavBars, so a more space efficient solution is needed. Using a NavBar with a
              single button and a menu is one such solution that works well, no matter how many
              pages are in the site.

              Single button vertical NavBar
              To make a single button NavBar from an ordinary NavBar, simply open the NAVIGATION
              BAR PROPERTIES dialog (double click on the NavBar) and delete all but one of the
              buttons. Then also remove the link from the button (click the URL field next to the button
              in the dialog and choose DO NOTHING in the Link dialog). Now you can either start adding
              menu entries to the button manually in the NavBar dialog, or a menu entry can be added
              automatically for each page in your site. To add the links automatically, turn on the SITE
              NAVIGATION BAR option in the dialog (or turn it off and then on again if it was already on).
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