Page 451 - Xara Web Designer Premium
P. 451

Page & Layer Gallery        451

              By default when a transition is applied, objects will only slide in/out to the edge of the
              web page. If you would like objects to start from the browser window edges, rather than
              the web page edges, deselect the CLIP TO PAGE edges checkbox in the Website tab (on
              page 306) of the Web Properties dialog.

              Special Layers

              There are several special types of layer. They appear in the PAGE & LAYER GALLERY and
              can be turned on and off as usual, but behave slightly differently.

              BACKGROUND LAYERS are non-printing layers that appear at the bottom of the document,
              under everything else.  When you apply a color to the page background (drag and drop
              color from the color line) this will create a PAGE BACKGROUND layer automatically.
              Normally this is locked.

              You can also set the color of the pasteboard (the area around the page) by dragging a
              color from the color line and dropping it on the pasteboard. This creates a PASTEBOARD
              BACKGROUND layer automatically. Again, this layer is locked.

              When saving a document as a website, Background layers are converted to web page
              backgrounds. See the Getting Started (on page 18) chapter for more details on setting
              web page backgrounds and using the background layers.

              The GUIDES LAYER is where guidelines or guide objects are placed. When you create a
              guideline this automatically creates a Guides layer. You can select the Guides layer and
              place anything you like on this layer - and it will act like a snapping guide (if you have
              'snap to guide' on).

              See Guide Objects and Guidelines in the Object Handling chapter to find out more!

              Hiding Layers

              The rightmost two columns of icons in the PAGE & LAYER GALLERY control the visibility and
              locking of layers.

              Clicking on the open eye    icon will hide the layer on the page, and the icon will turn to
              a closed eye   . Clicking again will revert the layer to be visible.

              When any item is hidden, it becomes invisible on the page and can no longer be seen or
              selected. The way to get hidden items back is to click its closed eye    icon.
              Alternatively you can click the MORE... button and select SHOW ALL option, which un-hides
              all items on the current page.
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