Page 452 - Xara Web Designer Premium
P. 452

452      Page & Layer Gallery

                Solo Mode

                If you click any of the    icons in the column next to each layer, it will 'solo' this layer
                which means it hides everything else, except this layer. You can now work on this layer
                in isolation. Clicking the    icon again will restore everything back to how it was before.

                You can also click and drag down the column of    icons to quickly browse through the
                layers in isolation from everything else.

                To exit the Solo mode, click the    button again.

                Locking Layers

                Clicking the open padlock icon    on the right end of a layer row will lock the layer (icon
                changes to a closed padlock  ). Now you cannot select any object on that layer. Any
                clicks on locked items will go straight through it, as if it's not there, and select items
                underneath. Clicking the padlock icon will unlock that layer again. Alternatively you can
                click the MORE.. button and select the UNLOCK ALL option.

                Soft Groups
                There is one exception to the locked rules. If an item on a locked layer is part of a Soft
                Group (on page 118), then selecting and operating on that Soft Group will also select and
                operate on any locked items in that Soft Group (this is the intended operation of Soft

                Show All & Unlock All

                These two controls on the top of the PAGE & LAYER GALLERY are a short-cut to show all
                items on the current page or unlock all items. They are a temporary override of all the
                individual object and layer settings. Clicking the controls again will restore the previous
                state. So this is a quick way of showing or unlocking everything, on all layers, performing
                some operation, and then restoring the previous state.

                The Unlock all button is useful if you have a locked object on the canvas that you want to
                unlock, without having to first locate it in the Page & Layer Gallery. Turn on ‘Unlock all’,
                then right click on the object on the canvas and choose the Unlock option from the
                context menu. Then you can turn ‘Unlock all’ off again.

                When either button is selected (the buttons are shown pressed in), then it's not possible
                to change the state of individual items. Un-select the buttons to enable the normal
                operation of the layer visibility and locking state.
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