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Web Animations          457

              animates slowly, as you scroll. Scroll faster and the object animates faster too. The
              SPEED slider determines how fast the animation runs relative to the scrolling speed.

              Parallax scrolling

              The PARALLAX scrolling animation is where some objects on your page scroll at a
              different rate to others, giving a parallax effect. PARALLAX appears near the top of the
              scroll animation types. The speed slider determines how fast the object scrolls relative to
              other objects on the page. If set very low, the object hardly moves at all as other objects
              scroll past it. If set very high the object scrolls at almost the same rate as the other page
              content, so the most useful speed values are towards the middle - try experimenting with
              different speeds.

              Note: If you have a low parallax scroll speed, items below the bottom edge of the
              browser window may never appear.

              Animations, Reveal animations, Scroll animations, Scrolling animations, Parallax
              animations, Parallax
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