Page 507 - Xara Web Designer Premium
P. 507

Customizing Web Designer Premium               507

              Docked and free floating control bars
              Normally, control bars are docked (attached to the edges of the window). Moving the
              window also moves docked control bars.
              Control bars can also be floating. These do not follow movements of the window.

               Floating control bar            Docked control bar

              You can hide a floating control bar either using the CONTROL BARS dialog box (described
              above) or by clicking its CLOSE icon.

              To make a control bar float, drag it away from the edge of the window either onto the
              editing area or off the Web Designer Premium window.

              To dock  a control bar, drag it over:

              •  The edge of the window.
              •  Or the menu bar.
              •  Or another control bar.
              A floating control bar has a double line outline while dragging. This changes to a single
              line when in a docking position. If you want the control bar to remain floating, hold down
              "Ctrl" while dragging.

              Resizing a control bar
              Move the pointer over the edge of the control bar. It changes to a double-headed arrow.
              You can now drag the edge to resize the control bar.

              Creating new control bars

              To create a new control bar:
              •  Drag a button onto the editing area or off the window. This opens a new control bar
                containing the button.
              Or click NEW on the CONTROL BARS dialog box. This lets you create a new control bar and
              allocate a name to it. The new control bar is empty. You can then drag buttons to it.

              Moving buttons is described below.
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