Page 502 - Xara Web Designer Premium
P. 502

502      Customizing Web Designer Premium

                The pop-up menu contains options suitable for the object you click on. For example, for
                most object types the menu contains CUT, COPY, PASTE, DELETE, DUPLICATE, CLONE
                (these are described in Object Handling (on page 92)).

                MOUSE WHEEL MOVEMENT: You can change the mouse wheel action here between
                Scrolling and Zooming.

                Click RESET DEFAULTS to return to the original button assignments. This has immediate
                effect; you don't need to click OK or APPLY NOW.

                The Windows Control Panel also lets you swap the left and right mouse buttons.
                Magnetic Snap Radii

                Snapping is described in Object Handling (on page 92).

                These text boxes define how close you can drag an object before it snaps to a magnetic
                object. These are distances on the screen and independent of any document scaling.
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