Page 497 - Xara Web Designer Premium
P. 497

Customizing Web Designer Premium               497

              Give new objects most recent attributes (GNOMRA)

              Examples of attributes are line width, dash pattern, arrowheads, color, fill color and type
              of fill.

              With this option set, new objects take the attributes of the object that was last drawn or
              selected. For example, you might give an existing shape a red fill and green line color. If
              you then draw a new shape it will also have a red fill and green line color. See Current
              attributes (on page 122) for a full description of current attributes and this option.

              This option is on by default.

              Ask before setting current attribute
              This applies when changing a current attribute (this happens when you change an
              attribute with no objects selected). With this option set, you are asked to confirm whether
              you want to change the attribute. With this option unset, the change is made without

              Improve editability of imported documents
              This option affects what happens when you open a pdf, docx or pptx file that was created
              in another application. When the option is on, Designer will analyse the document to try
              to identify and apply text styles and named colors where it can, without changing the
              appearance of the document. This can make the document easier to edit in Designer.
              For example any components you insert will use the styles and colors that were identified
              and so they should better match the existing styles and colors in the document. Also of
              course using text styles and named colors makes it easier to change text and colors
              across the whole document. However, results can vary, so simply turn this option off if
              you don't want styles and colors added to your documents.

              Maintain imported layer names

              With this option set, layer information is preserved when you import templates or other
              files. With IMPORT LAYERS INTO THE ACTIVE LAYER instead selected, all imported objects
              appear in the current layer and the layering information in the incoming data is ignored.
              IMPORT LAYERS INTO NEW LAYERS will create a layer for each imported layer.

              IMPORTANT: Note that you should not change this setting if you use any of the web
              templates in the ONLINE CONTENT CATALOG/DESIGNS GALLERY. Most web templates have
              multiple layers which are used to implement mouseover effects. These typically have
              layers MouseOff and MouseOver and so when importing these designs it’s important that
              these layers are preserved and merged with the same layers in your document.

              Recent files
              The File menu shows a list of the most recently loaded or saved files in its ‘Open recent’
              sub-menu. This list gives a quick way to reload any of those files. This option lets you
              change the number of files listed (between 1 and 20 files).
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