Page 498 - Xara Web Designer Premium
P. 498

498      Customizing Web Designer Premium

                Marquee Object Selection
                This option enables you to change the default setting for marquee selection (where you
                drag a selection rectangle over the objects you want to select). So you can choose to
                have objects touching the selection rectangle selected or only the objects wholly inside
                the rectangle.

                Legacy web browser compatible line lengths
                Older web browsers were not able to render text very accurately. When you asked for a
                certain font size they rounded it up or down, often displaying the wrong size and width
                (compared to the original font design, and how Web Designer Premium, Word, PDF and
                all modern DTP programs would display it).

                Older versions of Web Designer Premium attempted to compensate for these
                inaccuracies, by providing a LEGACY WEB BROWSER LINE LENGTH COMPATIBILITY option
                which meant the text was slightly differently formatted - line lengths would be different
                compared to normal print documents, or the same text in Word, or PDF documents.

                Most modern web browsers are getting better at rendering text accurately - you can now
                specify any px or pt font size, even fractional sizes, and the text will for the most part, be
                rendered accurately*. The text formatting should be the same as in print documents,
                PDF, and page layout documents. This includes auto-kerning, manual kerning and
                tracking (letter spacing).
                If you load an older Web Designer Premium web document, a dialog will appear
                prompting you to update the text formatting. This in effect prepares your web document
                so that it will display accurately on most modern web browsers.

                A consequence of updating the formatting to support the more modern browsers is that
                text may re-flow because of slightly different line lengths, causing text columns to be
                slightly longer or shorter than before. Once you update formatting the document will
                remain like this and you will not be asked again.

                To turn formatting back to the old style use the GENERAL TAB of "UTILITIES" > "OPTIONS"
                dialog and make sure that the LEGACY WEB BROWSER LINE LENGTH COMPATIBILITY option
                is checked. Or if you are loading an older document into Web Designer Premium just
                choose the KEEP ORIGINAL FORMATTING option.
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