Page 495 - Xara Web Designer Premium
P. 495

Customizing Web Designer Premium               495

              Customizing Web Designer Premium

              Changing the blank template document

              The blank template documents are the options available under "FILE" > "NEW".

              To add a template document:

               1.   Open an existing document ("FILE" > "OPEN", or "Ctrl + O") or create a new
                   one with the NEW button on the Standard control bar or "Ctrl + N".
               2.   Make any required changes (these could be changing the page size,
                   adding a logo or adding a message). You can edit the template document
                   just like an ordinary document.
               3.   When you are happy with the changes choose "FILE" > "SAVE TEMPLATE"
                   and choose a template name.

              To make your new template the default template (i.e. which is there when you first open
              Web Designer Premium, and which appears when you press "Ctrl + N") check the USE AS
              DEFAULT TEMPLATE option when saving the template.

              Options in the Utilities menu

              Keyboard shortcut: "Ctrl + Shift + O" or right click the page/pasteboard and choose PAGE

              This menu option opens the OPTIONS dialog box. This lets you set various options for
              Web Designer Premium.
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