Page 491 - Xara Web Designer Premium
P. 491

Printing      491

              Print Options: Output tab

              Print layers

              There are two options:
              •  Print ALL FOREGROUND LAYERS.
              •  Print only the currently VISIBLE FOREGROUND LAYERS.

              Note that only foreground layers are printed. Background layers are never printed.

              Print As
              NORMAL is suitable for most types of document.

              However some printers do not reproduce consistent colors when printing bitmaps or
              vector objects that are the same color (this is a fault with the printer driver). This is
              noticeable if objects overlap onto bitmaps or onto objects with transparency applied to
              them. In this case, select BITMAP or ANTI-ALIASED BITMAP and retry.

              The choice between BITMAP and ANTI-ALIASED BITMAP depends on the printer and
              personal preference. Some printers give best results with anti-aliasing turned off
              especially when printing thin lines. As a rule, using anti-aliasing allows lower resolution
              printing. For example, 150 DPI bitmap printing is usually good enough for all uses-even
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