Page 487 - Xara Web Designer Premium
P. 487

Importing and Exporting         487

              Also export Retina (192dpi) bitmap
              With this option checked you can simultaneously export a 192 dpi high definition Retina
              image. This saves you exporting twice if you have a need to provide a 96dpi as well as a
              192dpi resolution image for Retina devices. For JPEG and PNG the operation is only
              valid when you have the 96dpi option selected.

              See High resolution images (on page 352) for more info on Retina images.

              Options tab
              With this tab you can alter JPEG compression and turn on progressive/interlacing for the
              GIF and PNG options if required.

              JPEG Quality: (JPEG only) A low setting will result in a small file with a loss in quality
              whereas a high value will give only slight file size reductions, but high quality. Note that a
              setting of 100% will still compress the file. A setting of 85% gives good compression
              without causing a noticeable loss in quality for most uses.

              Interlaced: (GIF and PNG only) This is like a JPEG. In the browser the picture first
              appears as a low resolution image. As more of the file loads, the resolution increases.

              Transparent: (GIF and PNG only) This makes any areas not covered by the selected
              objects transparent. Selecting this option automatically makes one entry in the palette
              Export each layer to a file of its own: (GIF and PNG only) Selecting this option when
              exporting a design that contains multiple layers results in a separate file being exported
              for each layer. The names of each layer (as set in the Page & Layer Gallery) are used to
              name the exported files.
              Browser Preview tab

              Using the A and B preview boxes in the EXPORT dialog box (shown above), you can
              select the best compromise of file size and quality for web graphics. However the best
              test is checking how the graphic looks in a web browser. This tab provides a number of
              options for that preview. Click the BROWSER PREVIEW button to launch your web browser
              and preview the graphics before exporting.
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