Page 488 - Xara Web Designer Premium
P. 488

488      Printing


                Show print borders

                The "WINDOW" > "SHOW PRINT BORDERS" menu shows a yellow and red line around the
                page (non-printing) showing the print margins and borders. The page boundary is shown
                by a yellow rectangle and the printing area by a red rectangle. The printing area is
                determined by the margins on the currently selected printer. Some printers let you adjust
                the margins, but few let you print right up to the edge of the page.

                If any objects on the page lie outside the red rectangle they are unlikely to be printed.

                Selecting and setting up a printer

                Select "FILE" > "PRINT" TO open the PRINT dialog box, then click the PRINTER... button.

                This opens the standard Windows PRINT SETUP dialog:

                Selecting a printer also selects a suitable paper size and paper orientation. Note that
                these are the size and orientation of the sheets of paper used in the printer. They are
                separate from the size/orientation of the document. PORTRAIT prints the page without
                rotation. LANDSCAPE prints the page turned through 90° (these buttons are duplicated in
                the PRINT OPTIONS dialog box, described later). We recommend leaving the
                LANDSCAPE/PORTRAIT buttons on this dialog box on their default setting.
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