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Importing and Exporting         483

              JPEG, PNG and GIF export dialog overview

                                                        The Export settings dialog has two
                                                        preview windows, IMAGE A on the left
                                                        and IMAGE B on the right, so you can
                                                        compare alternative export settings
                                                        or file types, side-by-side. Just click
                                                        on the left or right preview window to
                                                        change the active preview.
                                                        Above the preview window is a small
                                                        dropdown that lets you select from
                                                        the most common three export
                                                        types, JPEG, PNG, and GIF.

              When you have selected preview A or B you can then adjust a wide range of export
              options using the five tabs below the preview. Some options, such as the Palette Options
              are only applicable to some file types such as PNG and not relevant to JPEG type.

              Other options under the OPTIONS tab change depending on the file type. e.g. when
              exporting a JPEG this is where you can set the required quality.

              So the process for exporting an image:

              1.   Select the object or objects on the page you want to export
              2.   Select the Export menu, or "Ctrl + Shift + E", enter a file name, and select file type
                  from the drop down list. The main export type will display the above preview dialog.
              3.   In this Preview dialog adjust the settings if you want, or skip this if you're happy with
                  the default settings
              4.   Click the EXPORT button

              For most commonly used JPEG and PNG formats, at step 2 you can instead use the
              direct operations available in the FILE MENU: EXPORT JPEG and EXPORT PNG. The export
              dialog shown includes a “Settings” button which takes you to the export settings dialog
              shown above.

              Most export settings are remembered for the next time you export. For example if you
              adjust the JPEG quality, the next time you export a JPEG it will remember the last quality

              Exported Image Size
              When you export the normal default size is the same as you see on screen at 100%
              zoom. The pixel size is shown under the preview window. You can adjust the pixel
              dimensions either by adjusting the object size on the page before you export, or by
              entering alternative pixel or dpi values in the BITMAP SIZE tab.
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