Page 486 - Xara Web Designer Premium
P. 486

486      Importing and Exporting

                       Add system colors

                Adds 28 colors to the palette. These colors are the regular Windows system colors and a
                number of primary colors. This ensures the palette includes a spread of colors and may
                improve the quality of the image, particularly if it contains a wide range of colors. You
                may need to experiment with this option to get the best results.
                Bitmap Size tab

                With this tab, you can change the size of the exported image.

                Bitmap Size and Resolution
                You can change the size of the exported bitmap by changing:

                •  SIZE: Type the required width or height into one of the fields. Note that the aspect ratio
                  of the bitmap is fixed, so changing one dimension automatically changes the other.
                  SIZE is more suitable than SCALE if you want to create a bitmap of a particular size in
                •  SCALE: (Dimmed for JPEG & PNG). This lets you scale the bitmap up or down by a
                  percentage. SCALE is more suitable than Size if you want, for example, a bitmap 50%
                  bigger than the original.
                •  RESOLUTION: (Dimmed for GIF & BMP) Type the resolution into the DPI field. If you are
                  exporting an image for viewing on screen (e.g. a website), you do not normally need a
                  setting higher than 96dpi. (If you need to export for a Retina device you can
                  automatically export a higher resolution 192dpi version as well).

                Area to Save
                The bitmap can be created using one of these areas of the document:

                •  PAGE: The whole page area.
                •  DRAWING: The area covered by objects.
                •  SELECTION: The area covered by the objects in the selection. Only available when
                  objects are selected.

                Anti-aliasing improves the appearance of graphics by smoothing jagged edges:

                •  MAINTAIN SCREEN ANTI-ALIASING: The exported bitmap uses the exact same positioning
                  as shown on screen, and so has identical anti-aliasing. This can result in the edges of
                  objects being slightly blurred because they do not fall exactly on pixel boundaries.
                •  MINIMIZE VISIBLE ANTI-ALIASING: This will slightly reposition the objects by fractions of a
                  pixel to minimize the anti-aliasing around the edge of the exported bitmap. If in doubt
                  which option to use, select this.

                Put HTML Image Tag on Clipboard
                This lets you save out the basic HTML IMG tag information when you save the bitmap.
                You can then paste the tag into your text or external HTML page editor.
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