Page 485 - Xara Web Designer Premium
P. 485

Importing and Exporting         485

              Max Colors
              If you select a Color Depth of 256 or less you can control exactly how many colors are
              used in the file. This provides a high degree of control over quality vs. file size. Just enter
              the required number of colors and press the PREVIEW button to preview.

              These buttons (except TRANSPARENT BACKGROUND) apply when exporting 256 color
              images or less. These files are created with a limited palette of colors, and these controls
              provide a great degree of control over those palette colors. See COLOR SELECTOR above
              on how to select a color, or click on a color in the COLOR PALETTE).

                     Lock a Color

              You can specify the number of colors you want in the palette of exported bitmaps. You
              may want to ensure that certain colors always appear in the palette; you can lock these
              colors. Click on a color to select it, then select the LOCK button. A small square appears
              in the bottom left of the color to tell you it is a locked color.
                     Make a Palette Color Web Safe

              When clicked this button will shift the selected color to be one of the 216 common web
              browser palette colors. This is a legacy system that is no longer particularly important or
              relevant, as nearly all computers can display millions of colors, and there's no benefit in
              restricting web graphics to only this limited palette.

                     Make the Image Background Transparent

              Make any areas not covered by the selected objects transparent. Selecting this option
              automatically makes one entry in the palette transparent.

                     Make a Palette Color Transparent

              Make this color entry transparent. Note the difference between this option, which makes
              parts of the selected objects transparent, and Make The Image Background Transparent
              which makes those areas behind the selected objects transparent.

                     Delete a Palette Color

              Delete this color from the palette. Any areas in the bitmap that use the deleted color then
              use the nearest color in the palette. The fewer colors in the palette, the smaller the
              bitmap file.

                     Restore a Previously Deleted Color

              Undelete a deleted color.
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